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  • Master in Business Administration (MBA) – 100% in English

Master in
Business Administration (MBA) - 100% in English

Management training with an international focus


October 20, 2025


1 academic year




Online and/or in person


Online interactive



Discover the potential of Generative AI and improve your competitiveness

We integrate AI into the syllabus as one of many tools for your training. You will apply it from the beginning to enhance your efficiency.

AI to Optimize

Free yourself from repetitive tasks and enhance your analytical and strategic skills. Our master’s degree program prepares you to design high-quality prompts for ChatGPT and evaluate its responses to tackle real-life challenges.


Develop Strategies with AI

Create content tailored to a specific problem to help you formulate the best strategy.

Imagen 2 - Estrategia - Modulo IA


Utilize GenAI to simulate decision-making processes and predict possible outcomes. This approach will enhance your decisions and increase their efficiency. Additionally, executive summaries will benefit from improved representations resulting from this process.

Automatize Repetitive Tasks

Save time and boost productivity so you can focus on higher-value projects.


Rankings Place Us Among the Best MBA in Spain

Official online Spanish MBAFSO, 2024
Online Official MBA in SpainMundoPosgrado, 2024
Online Official MBA in SpainPortalMBA, 2022
A methodology tailored to you

Case Method

Make team decisions to solve business problems and develop your managerial skills.

Experiential training

100% live online classes, laboratories, workshops, activities, and a virtual campus.

Competency-based learning

Immerse yourself in business management with real projects linked to digital transformation.

Active networking

Participate in groups with students with similar profiles and increase your contacts.

Personalized follow-up

You will have the continuous support of a tutor who will accompany you throughout your training.

Online and in-person exams

Choose for each subject and session whether you want to take the exam from your computer or in the centers enabled by UNIR.

Learn from a faculty with international experience with MBA online in English

Professors working on UNIR’s MBA are managers, engineers, and leaders in multinationals who will provide you with the necessary knowledge so that you can apply it to business management.

Docente UNIR

ADECCO GROUP INSTITUTE. Director y emprendedor, con experiencia en el desarrollo de negocios. Además, es abogado y directivo en varias empresas multinacionales del sector de RRHH. Apasionado de la comunicación y la investigación.

Francisco Javier Blasco de Luna

Docente UNIR

MAPFRE. Innovation Project & Knowledge Manager y mentor en programas de aceleración. Especialista en reestructurar empresas para enfocarlas en la innovación, el desarrollo de nuevos productos, el crecimiento ágil y los resultados.

Carlos Sanchez Corrales


Controller en Isolux. Experto en gestión operativa y dirección financiera de proyectos internacionales. Gestión grandes carteras a nivel internacional.

Luis Muñoz Velasco

Docente UNIR

JRO DERIVATES. Director Ejecutivo y Socio Fundador de consultora de riesgos financieros y finanzas cuantitativas. Cuenta con experiencia en la cobertura de riesgos, habiendo desarrollado su actividad en instituciones como Coopers & Lybrand.

José López Rojas
Get to know the complete faculty

Our graduates of the online learning MBA endorse their professional improvement

of graduates at UNIR’s MBA have improved salary-wise and professionally
of graduates took up new professional opportunities upon completing their MBA at UNIR
of graduates highlight the quality of the lecturers, the subject contents, and the methodology
Meet our alumni experiences

“Thanks to the Master’s Degree Thesis Project, I saw that the app I wanted to create was possible. With the MBA, I gained the confidence and skills to start a business”.

Alberto Manuel López

Online MBA student and founder of WeFish


“UNIR’s MBA allowed me to grow. Today, I lead a group of people and have expanded my role and responsabilities. The quality of the faculty is fundamental due to their extensive experience”.

Luis Sebastián de Frutos

Online MBA student

alumno mba

“This Master’s Degree has complemented my previous training and has made possible a range of greater job opportunities and allowed me to aspire to positions of greater responsibility”.

Juan Ibáñez

Online MBA student

alumno mba

“I wanted to pursue an online MBA that was recognized internationally, was affordable, and that would help me gain practical knowledge to apply at my workplace. UNIR fulfilled all these requirements.”

Fahim Zuberi

Pakistani student of the MBA in English at UNIR

alumno fahim-zuberi mba

Business and academic recognitions

The most prestigious associations in business endorse us

UNIR is the only spanish university member of the four most prestigious associations in the academic world in the business area.


Certified by ANECA, according to the AUDIT model

All the official academic degrees of the Faculty of Economy and Business have the seal of quality awarded by the National Agency for Evaluation and Accreditation, the body in charge of guaranteeing the quality of the degrees taught in the Spanish university system in line with the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).


UNIR, the world’s first online university in Spanish, according to Times Higher Education

The prestigious magazine THE, which publishes one of the three most influential rankings in the field of international higher education, recognizes UNIR in 2024 as the first Spanish-speaking online university in the world. 

Leaders in educational innovation, according to Forbes

Forbes places us among the three best universities in Spain and as the first online. In addition, it highlights UNIR as a global benchmark in online training for its methodology and the interactive experience it offers its students, as well as its recognition in the most relevant international rankings.


Get your questions answered

The MBA is aimed at economic and business profiles and offers perfectly valid multidisciplinary training for professionals from other fields who aspire to manage a company (engineers, health, marketing specialists, etc.). It offers a global strategic vision applicable to a multitude of sectors.

If you are looking to access management positions in the different areas of a company, and/or  you want to stay updated or strengthen your knowledge, or are going to start a business, UNIR’s MBA is for you.

Over 3,000 students have studied UNIR’s Master’s in Administration and Management to face new professional challenges. Moreover, in the months after completing the MBA, 3 out of every 4 graduates have improved professionally and in terms of salary.

As a UNIR MBA student, you will face real problems experienced in companies like Netflix, Hewlett Packard, Vueling, Imaginarium, Molson Canada, Benneton, Applus+ or Dell Online. We are pioneers in the implementation of the online “Case Method”.

Each case is prepared in teams of students, discussed in class through the teacher’s guide, and resolved in a session where the most relevant conclusions are presented. Unlike in other universities, it is not simply a practical case that the student solves and then the teacher corrects. At UNIR, we take a step further, and the interaction with other people involved is a fundamental characteristic for the success of cases since the dynamics lived in companies are simulated.

In the final plenary session, the representatives of each team have a voice, and the teacher presents the main conclusions, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of the different approaches provided. The other teams can take advantage of it to improve the development of their training. In addition, everything is recorded so you can visualize it as many times as you need.

The many formats and modalities offered make it easier to study for the MBA. An online Master’s Degree that adapts to your personal situation and provides two calls a year: one in April and another in November.

UNIR’s MBA favors partial funding through scholarships from different agencies. Payment can be made as a single payment or in instalments, with an additional discount in the first case.

Additional Information of Interest